Gyms And Sports

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There are two gyms operating at the University of West Attica; one is placed at the Egaleo Park Campus and the other at the Ancient Olive Grove Campus, where stu-dents and staff of the University can be trained daily with exception of weekends. The rooms are fully equipped with fitness equipment while fitness staff guides and supervises any interested visitors.

The purpose of the gym is to offer a wide range of sports programs and activities that will provide participants with an enhanced quality of life as well as mental and physical health.

In addition to the gym facilities, UNIWA offers its students a wide range of sports activities tailored to their different needs and interests.

To coordinate all the sports activities being implemented in our University, the Department of Sports has been set up to organize a variety of team sports programs as well as sectional indoor leagues (Basketball, Volleyball, Football, Chess, Table Tennis, etc.).

More detailed information on the operation of the gyms and the organization of sporting activities is provided at the beginning of each academic year by the Department of Sports.